Sunday, March 04, 2007

When is a garden not a garden?

In the government's world, a garden can be a “brownfield site” when it comes to planning. In Bournemouth, there has already been an impact from this and it seems that local councillors are steadily losing their authority to shape planning policy. With developers only too aware of central government’s priorities, it is harder and harder to prevent the demolition of older houses and the splitting up of gardens.

Central control shows its face with the South West Regional Assembly, an unelected quango which the Conservatives would abolish. Its power to impose housing targets is a real threat to local democracy. You only have to look in the letters pages of the Daily Echo to see just how frustrated and powerless local residents feel. However, your local councillors play an important part in making sure that everything possible is done to prevent inappropriate development. Watch out for the orange planning notices and get in touch with your councillors if you want to get your views known. They have the expertise to help get your voice heard.


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